I have studied the internets intently and have discovered its greatest flaw. That weakness has finally been addressed and rectified by the creation of this here blog. Let us rejoice! I intend to pilfer only the finest ingredients that the web has to offer. Make no mistake about it, my computer skills teeter between woeful and "what does that button do?". Never the less, I shall over come. Grammatical mistakes be damned! I shall overcome! It is my solemn duty to convince you that my opinion must be cherished as fact and ultimately etched upon stone tablets that will then be brought down from a mountain top that will be named at a later date. Alright, now that all the clerical work is out of the way let me share the work of Nina Katchadourian. I first learned of her work when she visited UDel's campus as a guest speaker. Her work entails "uninvited collaborations with nature" and other re-workings of our surrounding world(s). There are plenty of interesting things to check out in regards to language, text, and translation. In conclusion.. watch this space.

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