Oh goodness, what a day. You can probably guess by the above image how lovely today actually was. The key in this situation, as always, is to channel that negative energy towards the constructively good variety so I'll just go ahead and make this a positive blog post. Happy sunshine! :D eh, anyway... I discovered some interesting tidbits of information as I floated around the internet to learn more about the origin of the phrase that I was muttering to myself all day long. For one thing, it turns out the saying most likely was originated as a play on words. The 'bastard file' is a tool that is used as an intermediate between a more coarse and a more fine, second cut, type of filing tool. Bastard, grind, file.. get it!? Cool. And as an added bonus you can click here and find out what the phrase sounds like when said by a computer with a British accent or you can translate it into a language of your choice. Historically, the phrase gained popularity during WWII and became the motto of General "Vinegar Joe" Stilwell (pictured above). Oh, and the simple black/white/red/text/image combination is kinda sorta reminicent of the work of Barbara Kruger. Well, there 'ya have it folks. Thanks for joining me on my journey towards inner peace. Until next time.
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