Monday, December 29, 2008
The First And Last Time I Will Ever Mention The Rock Group Kiss
I'm not sure if you and I have a similar sense of humor. Let's find out shall we? Lately I've been watching these series of videos on Youtube that feature various bands "shredding". They may be a few internet years old but they're new to me. I've got to say, these had me CTM(chuckling to myself). If you're thirsty for more, then be sure to check out Creed receiving simular treatment. I'd be more inclined to listen to Kiss if they actually did sound like this. Very Spinal Tap-esque.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas Score
This Christmas, Santa brought me the same damn thing he gave me when I was probably 11 or 12 years old. I couldn't be more pleased. The difference being that this time it wasn't a shiny piece of plastic delivering the sounds of my youth, but rather a nice luscious piece of tasty vinyl. People can go on and on about the merits of listening to vinyl over other formats of recording but at the end of the day it just simply possesses that certain 'je ne sais quoi'. This fact never became more apparent then when those opening guitar strings began to pluck out the intro to 'My Name is Jonas'. There's just that element of mystery and discovery when that needle hits the groove. It felt like the first time again.
While we're on the subject, I'd like to shed some light on a Weezer related album from the past that deserves some much needed attention. It's well documented that Weezer began it's quick decent into something else after the release of 'Pinkerton' which just so happened to coincide with the departure of bassist Matt Sharp. If you're wondering where all that talent went then look no further than 1995's The Rentals - Return of the Rentals. To me this album contains many of the lovable features found on 'The Blue Album' and at the same time is able to be something completely different. Most notable differences include female vocal accompaniment and a heavy heaping of the Moog. The Rentals still play but nothing really compares to their debut album.
Oh and if I hear one more shitty cover band play 'Say it Ain't So', I'm a gonna go ape shit!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Top 9 of '08

Well, you know what they say about opinions. They all stink! But of course we all love our own particular brand of stink. So without further adu, please allow me to throw my own thoughts on top of the smelly heap that is the internet. This year didn't provide the consistency of awesomeness like it's year old sibling '07, but it did offer some tasty treats for those in need. In retrospect, I am glad to say that these albums are not just well crafted but are also just flat out enjoyable. The organization of this list just so happened to end up as a sort of grouping of works. Richman, Dr.Dog, and Little Joy all share a warm, human sensibility in their sound and subject matter. The Walkmen and Beach House both create gorgeous soundscapes that are shrouded with a hint of unsettled eeriness. El Guincho and High Places use layers of sound to weave a wonderful array of textures and color. Wait, can sound have color? I vote yes. And the top two, Thee Oh Sees and Man Man just plain kick ass in a similar no holds barred fashion.
9. Jonathan Richman - Because Her Beauty is Raw and Wild. If the title alone doesn't pique your interest then perhaps you should get to stepping. Jonathan wears his heart on his sleeve at all times and this album is no exception. I've found it a bit dicey navigating his catalogue of work. His stuff from the 80's and early 90's in particular. Some incorporate too much studio embellishment and mask his directness which I find to be his greatest asset. This album does well to present his songs in a style similar to his stage performances and if you haven't seen him live then please put that on your to-do list for '09.
8. Dr. Dog - Fate. Some people hate on these guys for borrowing too much from the bands that inspired them. Elements of The Beatles, The Band, The Beach Boys, or I suppose any other band that begins with a 'B', can be quite easily picked out of any given song. I look at it like this. Yeah, it's true but hey, it sounds great and not a lot of groups can pull that feat off this well. Also, I feel that sometimes originality is given too much significance when considering the validity of certain music. Sure it's great to bring new ideas to the table but sometimes reconfiguring elements from the past in a new light can be just as rewarding. In a way, it's a form of sampling. Besides, if we didn't borrow from the past we'd still be painting in the caves. In the end, it's the songs that matters. And I like their songs.
7. Little Joy - Little Joy. More like... A LOT OF JOY! LoL! But seriously, this stuff is quite pleasant.
6. The Walkmen - You & Me. To be honest, I've never spent much time listening to The Walkmen before this album. I've always known that they were around but never inquired as to much more than that. I'm still too lazy to investigate their previous works but I am grateful to have this record fall into my lap. It's one of those albums that create their own little world that you enjoy stepping back into time and again.
5. Beach House - Devotion. Similar to The Walkmen, 'Devotion' creates it's own space with lovely aching tunes. Sophomore slump need not apply.
4. El Guincho - Alegranza! Okay, some dispute whether or not this is a truly a 2008 release or an '07. To them I say, with all due respect, "shut up stupid face." Some say this album is the work of a latino Panda Bear fan boy. To them I say, "yeah, you're probably right." After all the talking is done and the music is played this record speaks for itself. And it says things like "fun" and "excitement" and I'm okay with that. This guy has great potential.
3. High Places - High Places. This duo road the wave of underground hype before formally releasing their first proper album. Sometimes this can be a curse disguised as a blessing but this seems to be one of those rare cases where all the hoopla is well earned. They deserve all the accolades that they receive for the sweeping beauty of these tracks.
2. Thee Oh Sees - The Master's Bedroom is Worth Spending a Night In. If you've met me or if you have read this blog at some point during the past few months then you know of my undying affection for this band. I said all year that this was going to be my number one choice but I decided against it. Mainly because I feel that these guys have the ability to put out some marvelous work in the near future and I wouldn't want them to hog the top spot for too many years in a row.
1. Man Man - Rabbit Habits. I was fortunate enough to catch their album release show in Philly this past year and it's true what they say. No one puts on a performance like these guys. Wild, zany, passionate. Twist and turns all over. This record showcases all of their finest attributes. Sure they owe a good portion of their sound to the likes of Zappa, Waits, and Cpt. Beefheart but as I mentioned back with the Dr. Dog situation, it's the songs that matter and no other album this year threw in a more ambitious and exciting display than 'Rabbit Habits'.
Man Man - "Top Drawer" (I'm experiencing technical difficulties with getting their mp3 to work. This will suffice.)
Friday, December 19, 2008
No Doy: 5th Edition
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Dusty Archive

So I came up with the idea of digitally cataloging my family's photo albums as a Christmas gift. I thought I'd share a little taste since we're all friends here. This one was taken in Colombia (the one that's spelled with two 'O's). I thought I might throw in some of my recordings from the vault as well. I intend to flesh these out sometime in the near future. Oh yeah, and all rights reserved and all that so don't you get any funny ideas.
Friday, December 12, 2008
1,000 Words is Worth a Picture

So lately I've been trying to get back into the habit of carrying a camera with me at all times. It has been slow goings of late. I like to blame it on the fact that my surrounding foot travels does not lend itself to interesting imagery. But alas, I can only blame myself :P. Above is a picture taken at a red light. I may revisit the site for some more in depth shots. If you'd like to see more of my photographs then please check out my flickr page.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Get Close to Chuck Close
This here is a great interview with Chuck Close conducted by Charlie Rose. It's always good to hear one of the big names in the art world discuss their thought process in a candid conversation. Turns out, he's a real nice guy. Sometimes the allure and majasty of the musuem wall can make you think that these massive works were created by some type of reclusive savant. Not so. This video is about an hour long and it's very enjoyable and informative. Kudos to Charlie Rose. Topics range from how his thought process shifted after "the event", his qualms with being labeled as a photo realist painter, and what he wouldn't do on a deserted island.

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Nil Carborundum Illegitimi

Oh goodness, what a day. You can probably guess by the above image how lovely today actually was. The key in this situation, as always, is to channel that negative energy towards the constructively good variety so I'll just go ahead and make this a positive blog post. Happy sunshine! :D eh, anyway... I discovered some interesting tidbits of information as I floated around the internet to learn more about the origin of the phrase that I was muttering to myself all day long. For one thing, it turns out the saying most likely was originated as a play on words. The 'bastard file' is a tool that is used as an intermediate between a more coarse and a more fine, second cut, type of filing tool. Bastard, grind, file.. get it!? Cool. And as an added bonus you can click here and find out what the phrase sounds like when said by a computer with a British accent or you can translate it into a language of your choice. Historically, the phrase gained popularity during WWII and became the motto of General "Vinegar Joe" Stilwell (pictured above). Oh, and the simple black/white/red/text/image combination is kinda sorta reminicent of the work of Barbara Kruger. Well, there 'ya have it folks. Thanks for joining me on my journey towards inner peace. Until next time.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Dream Baby Dream
You wouldn't expect a band by the name of 'Suicide' to write an inspirational song... or maybe you would, what do i know.. but here it is. Suicide's 'Dream Baby Dream' or 'Keep Your Dreams' is short on words but high on intensity. Accompanying it here is Bruce Springsteen's take on the song. The two compliment each other well with Suicide's atmospheric haze being displayed along side of Bruce's earthy grit. Suicide's live recording is one case where the crappy video quality of YouTube actually seems to enhance the mood and feel of the video. It looks as though it might of actually been recorded inside of someone's dome piece as they ventured into the land of slumber. And fair warning, Suicide's Alan Vega sneaks up on you... quickly. You'll see.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hank! Hank! Hank!

There's something about Hank Williams that sets him apart from all other musicians. The way his songs are delivered exudes the sincerity of a long lost friend who has something that they've been meaning to tell you. There's a certain earnestness in his voice that cannot be imitated or feigned. All of these attributes shine through the recent release of previously unreleased recordings found here. This three disc set prominently features songs originally intended for the ears of farmers, small-town merchants, housewives and shut-in's preparing to start their day across rural America. Thanks to a few miracles, these recordings have been saved, preserved, and returned to the masses almost 60 years after the fact. Hank's ascent to stardom at the age of 25 was thanks in large part to the track "Cold, Cold Heart" (found below, along with some others that I dig on). He lived a short life dying at the age of 29 but he has left an indelible mark on the landscape of music.
On a side note: It really irks me when people refer to certain music as being "old" first and foremost. Granted, this music belongs to a period in time that seems distant, but that fact is far down the totem poll of noteworthy characteristics. Music is the product of raw human emotion (when it's done right). Do we also refer to other forms of personal expression as being 'old'. When we laugh or cry do people say, "man, you're being so prehistoric!". My point is that music floats in a space that exists beyond time. Besides, time is only relative. Our own existence is but a slice from the tip of an eyelash. Rant over.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
1,000 Words is Worth a Picture

So lately I've been trying to get back into the habit of carrying a camera with me at all times. It has been slow goings of late. I like to blame it on the fact that my surrounding foot travels does not lend itself to interesting imagery. But alas, I can only blame myself :P. Above is a picture taken at a red light. I may revisit the site for some more in depth shots. If you'd like to see more of my photographs then please check out my flickr page.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
An Ode to Flamenco
To me, flamenco embodies all that is great about music. There's a certain rawness and honesty embedded within its sound. It's exotic and primal. It's human. The guitar strings the beat of the heart and... whoa. I don't think it can be described without waxing all poetic like. I also just developed a sexily mysterious mustache in the process of writing this post. The end.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Birth of 'No Doy'
Monday, November 17, 2008
Made in China
I just happened to stumble across this video recently and have been pretty much watching it on a daily basis ever since. These guys need to tour the states immediately. Notice how they tear the roof off the mother sucker without that aid of electricity. I wonder if this is available as a ring tone...hmmm
Monday, November 10, 2008
It's Just a Ride.
My updating skills have been dwindling of late. If I keep going at this rate this blog may be extinct by December, but fear not! I shall press on. Hopefully I will be reinvigorated by this life affirming message from the one and only Bill Hicks. He's occasionally cold, cruel, and vicious (by his own account) but it makes his words no less true. This clip starts off with positive drug stories and ends with a poignant declaration of our being. Some choice quotes. "Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather!" and, "Look at my furrows of worry!"
Monday, November 3, 2008
What Does Become of the Broken Hearted?

Friday, October 24, 2008
Banksy, You So Crazy!
Well, he’s back! This time he left the stencils at home and replaced them with automated hot dogs and self dipping chicken nuggets. Yummy. His latest endeavour is said to have been inspired by seeing a chihuahua, wearing a diamond-encrusted collar, walk by a homeless person. This exhibit/pet store seems to be a commentary on how our mistreatment of animals reflects upon the self destructive patterns that we inflict upon ourselves. Banksy has continually broadened the scope of his work to stretch beyond brick walls and this seems to be a leap forward in that direction. It's clever, it's cheeky, it's Banksy.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My Afternoon Song
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
How Well Do You Know Your Fellow (Wo)Man?
Monday, October 13, 2008
And We Thank You

Got some sad news for fans of all things great. Alton Ellis has moved on to the big dance hall in the sky. Luckily for us he was kind enough to leave behind some righteous tunes that help make this world a little bit more special. He is often times regarded as the "Godfather of Rocksteady". Rocksteady was a relatively short lived genre but it's impact on music is historic. It cooled down the up tempo sound of ska, setting the stage for the inception of reggae (which is also referred to in certain circles as "that stuff Bob Marley played"). It has a distinctive motown flavor that often times sang of love and protest. The following tracks were all taken from the record "I’m Still in Love With You". It has some great songs on it that he sang with his sister Hortense Ellis. R.I.P. Alton.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Remember Construction Paper?

Jen Stark does. Although, I'm pretty sure her stock of paper is of a higher quality than what we had to work with in our youth. She probably has better scissors too. So in a way she's kinda cheating. Never the less, check out her site for more detailed sculptures, drawings, and videos of these crafty cuts.
Friday, October 3, 2008
TSA and You and Me

Ever feel like you're not getting enough quality one on one time with airport security? Well, Evan Roth may have the solution for you. He has a range of metallic stencils that will be sure to get those plastic gloves snapping. From silhouettes of box cutters to images of the American flag, these stencils will certainly be the crowd pleaser. Evan sees this practice as a way of asserting his own voice and commentary into the anonymity that is found within the "theater" of security. Apparently airports serve as a form of inspiration for him. Check out the Sky Mall Liberation. (You may also know Evan Roth through his association with the ever badass Graffiti Research Lab.) Now, you may think that these stencils are intentionally provocative, which they are, but as Evan points out at least they're less dangerous than 4oz of jello.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Thee Oh Sees Revisited
I just caught Thee Oh Sees last night at Philly's Broad St. Ministries. They don't come around too often so it was great to catch them in this sort of intimate setting. Unfortunately due to time constraints they were only able to play about six songs but those six songs were sensational. They had some quality opening acts as well. One of which being their fellow San Franciscan Ty Segall. He takes the one man band approach. Drums at feet. Guitar in hand. Groovy stuff.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Colors are Neat! Blocks are Okay!

If rearranging blocks of color is your thing then you are in luck my friend. First entry. This pretty sweet flash game Coign of Vantage. While using your mouse, or mouse like device, flip and rotate the field of pixels until you form the image in the top right hand corner. Hint: the smaller, more distant blocks go in the foreground. This game gets pretty addictive once you get the hang of it and the music will give you the feeling of being in the waiting room of a sophisticated dentist (and who doesn't enjoy that?). On a side note, I also learned that the word 'coign' refers to a projecting corner or angle of a wall or building. The phrase 'coign of vantage' means a favorable position for observation or action. The more you know... Next up. For those looking to test their color differentiating abilities head on over here. It even gives you a color IQ at the end that you can use to mock and ridicule those silly color blind people. What a bunch of weirdos.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Just Max
I'm not quite sure what realm this was recorded in. What with the late Max Roach being encased in an angelic glow while being surrounded by a deep black void of space. There's something mesmerizing about the simplicity of the situation. You get the sense that there is a deep communication being witnessed.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Reality x 2

A lot of interesting reworkings of our urbanized landscape on display, courtesy of Mr. Joshua Callaghan. Plenty of intriguing concoctions to contemplate such as bricks disguised as pigeons, deceptive city lights, and meditations on outdoor furniture. All is not as it seems.. unless it is.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Norma Frazer
This is a beautiful rendition of Cat Stevens "The First Cut is the Deepest" by Norma Frazer. I first heard this cover on the Studio One comp Full Up: More Hits from Studio One. I don't know much about the singer but at least we have this. So hit play and get hypnotized by the spinning groove.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Rock Bottom

Sometimes clicking pause during 'The Simpsons' can prove to be an enlightening experience. Here are some important life lessons provided by a Simpsonized version of 'Hard Copy'. (Remember that show? Those were simpler times.)
"Rock Bottom" corrections list:
- Styrofoam is not made from kittens.
- The nerds on the Internet are not geeks.
- The word "cheese" is not funny in and of itself.
- Roy Rogers was not buried in his horse.
- Our universities are not "hotbeds" of anything.
- Our viewers are not pathetic sexless food tubes.
- The "Cheers" gang is not a real gang.
- Salt water does not chase the thirsties away.
- Cats do not eventually turn into dogs.
- Bullets do not bounce off of fat guys.
- Recycling does not deplete the ozone.
- Everything is 10% fruit juice.
- The flesh eating virus does not hide in ice cream.
- V8 juice is not 1/8 gasoline.
... BTW if you can name the episode that this appeared on (w/o googling) you win 5 interwebz.
Two Guys Singing a Hank Williams Song
It seems so surreal. Bob Dylan. Johnny Cash. Together. The music. The stories. Did this really happen? It's kinda like walking into a diner and seeing Batman and Superman just hanging out together, sipping on a cup of joe or maybe seeing Jesus ride a dinosaur or something. And yet here it is. It's like a wonderful dream realized.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Thee Oh Sees
That was a little snippet from the recent CD/DVD release "Thee Hounds of Foggy Notion" by Thee Oh Sees. This limited edition package features live takes shot in and around semi-remote locations scattered about their home base of San Francisco. It also includes some humorous scenes with the band thrown in there for good measure. Banter amongst the group and timely quips. Things of that sort. You know, just kicking it and such. The band's originator, John Dwyer, serves as the groups nucleus. His past credentials are too numerous to list here so just look here instead. (Do check out Coachwhips). Thee Oh Sees have gone through various incarnations in their brief history and not just in name alone. From OSC, to the Oh Sees, the Ohsees, and now finally as Thee Oh Sees. The former OSC originated as a bedroom project for Dwyer's sound experiments but it has evolved over time from that, to freak folk, to it's current form as a full fledged band that creates a sweet brew of psychedelic tinged garage rock. The majority of tracks on "Thee Hounds of..." are a bit more akin to their work prior to their latest effort, “The Master’s Bedroom…”. Here's a side-by-side comparison that does a better job of illustrating their sounds evolution. More so atleast than whatever generic genre terminology I can dish out. And in case you were wondering… no, the drummers expression never changes. Ever.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
That Straight Natch'l Blues
I recently picked up a tasty nugget of bluesy goodness in the form of Fat Possum Records "the George Mitchell Collection". This colossal set features 45 bluesmen and women, each donating two, three, or four songs a piece. Clocking in at the 8 hour mark, this 174 track bonanza offers a variety of rural simplicity that is brimming with passion, joy, and sorrow (and at under $45 it's quite the bargain). I tried to provide a proper swath of what this set has to offer but it's been a difficult task to narrow the field down to just a few songs. Never the less, here are a few that I found particularly appealing. The last two are perhaps more indebted towards traditional gospel than that of "the devil's music". The final track by Robert Johnson (no, not that Robert Johnson) wastes no time in bursting out as a ritualistic chant that stirs the soul. Ready?
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Slow Motion For Me.

I've discovered a new hobby. Watching cartoons in slow motion. It's pretty amazing to actually see the tactics that animators employ when creating believable movement out of a 2D world. Some movements become almost bizarre and abstract when a chaotic and frantic action occurs. (i.e. electrocution: see above.) No one would suggest that Sylvester actually has four disembodied heads and three free floating limbs but in this moment it is fact and we all agree. If you are curious as to what led up to this freak out and what transpired afterwards than click here.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Stone Cold Groove Exemplified.
Fuck an ABAB song structure. Just play this riff till the end of time and then hit repeat. In case you've never been formally introduced to the infinite force that is Serge Gainsbourg.... here you go. The clip you just clicked was taken from the 1968 French film titled Le Pacha. Serge was quite the eccentric character in his day and has firmly established icon status in his native land of France. His lyrical prowess is supposedly second to none but I could never tell ya cause I can't understand a damn word he's saying! Speak the queens english or GTFO! Anyway, his musical styling ranged through out his career from jazz to ballads.... and there was also some mambo, lounge, reggae, pop (including adult contemporary pop, kitsch pop, yé-yé pop, '80s pop, pop-art pop, prog pop, space-age pop, psychedelic pop, and erotic pop), disco, calypso, Africana, bossa nova, and rock and roll. Basically any genre that has to offer. I am not well versed on his entire catoluge but I can say with confidence that this live album is absolute quality. Straight loungy blues sex appeal. Oh yeah, almost forgot. This also happened. Cheers!
Hello Grnad World!

I have studied the internets intently and have discovered its greatest flaw. That weakness has finally been addressed and rectified by the creation of this here blog. Let us rejoice! I intend to pilfer only the finest ingredients that the web has to offer. Make no mistake about it, my computer skills teeter between woeful and "what does that button do?". Never the less, I shall over come. Grammatical mistakes be damned! I shall overcome! It is my solemn duty to convince you that my opinion must be cherished as fact and ultimately etched upon stone tablets that will then be brought down from a mountain top that will be named at a later date. Alright, now that all the clerical work is out of the way let me share the work of Nina Katchadourian. I first learned of her work when she visited UDel's campus as a guest speaker. Her work entails "uninvited collaborations with nature" and other re-workings of our surrounding world(s). There are plenty of interesting things to check out in regards to language, text, and translation. In conclusion.. watch this space.

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